Как Пловдив може да ви спести време, стрес и пари.

Now, Plovdiv is really a well known vacationer destination itself and likewise serves as a gateway to a number of other details of desire. Plovdiv is effectively-noted for web hosting the Plovdiv Worldwide Reasonable two times a calendar year and for its historical web sites.

Prior to now, there have been seven hills in Plovdiv. At present, only six of these are preserved. Markovo hill was was pavement for your cobblestoned streets. All those, who choose to count the hills of Plovdiv, really should keep in mind that the elevation of the Ancient Plovdiv consists of 3 hills.

An illustration of This can be the Roman aqueduct, which has grown to be an indispensable Component of Komatevsko Shose highway; the Amphitheatre was properly restored which is presently employed for performances. The town has many museums – historic, archaeological, ethnographic, and normal science museum, and also an Art Gallery as well as a Drama Theatre. The most well-known landmarks may be the architectural intricate of the Ancient Plovdiv, in which numerous attractive homes from your situations in the Bulgarian Revival were preserved and restored. Many of them are inhabited for the existing day.

Къщите по ул. Стръмна са били реставрирани през последните години с цел тя да се превърне в Улица на занаятите, където местните майстори да показват позабравени занаяти и традиции.

Четете в "Марица": Баровски комплекс никне пред двореца "Кричим"

Тази дълга и широка улица, изпълнена с магазини, кафенета, закусвални, обикновени будки за фрешове или кафе, и театър има на нея, сигурно пази тайните на стотици хиляди пловдивчани и гости на града – на един от някоя бурна нощ по дискотеките, на друг от някоя по-спокойна и романтична вечер, а трети може и да нямат спомен, но със сигурност всеки, който някога, по някакъв повод е бил в Пловдив, е минал по нея.

Взеха книжката на шофьора на "летящото" БМВ в Асеновград

The Greek historian Theopompus[11] pointed out it while in the 4th century BCE as a town named Poneropolis (Greek: ΠΟΝΗΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ "town of villains") in pejorative relation on the conquest by king Philip II of Macedon who is alleged to have settled the town with 2,000 Males who had been Fake-accusers, sycophants, lawyers, and also other achievable disreputables.

И веднага ще усетите атмосферата на Възраждането. Старите къщи и калдъръмените улички са просто омагьосващи, а зад тях се крие толкова много история. Ако искате да изследвате всички вълнуващи кътчета на Стария град, е добре да се ориентирате предварително.

Based on the Regulation for your territorial subdivision of the Funds municipality and the large towns,[ninety nine] the territory of Пловдив Plovdiv Municipality is subdivided into 6 district administrations with their mayors currently being appointed next acceptance with the Municipal Council.

From there, consider metro 4 stops for the airport. Take note that buses heading from Sofia to Plovdiv usually do not halt for the metro station so it's only a feasible option for getting back from Plovdiv. By practice[edit]

Пловдив — второй после Софии промышленный центр страны. Важный центр сельскохозяйственного района Верхнефракийской низменности. Пищевкусовая, лёгкая промышленность (хлопчатобумажная, шёлковая и швейная), машиностроение, химическая промышленность, цветная металлургия, а также единственная в стране фабрика по производству папиросной бумаги и сигаретных фильтров.

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